Memori mobile app | Memori web app
Memori mobile app (Memori World)
1. How do I set up the Memori mobile app on the first app launch?
The initial setup wizard appears on first Memori World Android or iOS mobile app launch and runs you through the required steps needed. The Memori Premium account requires naming your device, setting up required permissions and defining your backup settings in order to create a secure copy of your Android or iOS device content.
Tap on the Memori app icon to start running the setup and follow the prompts. You can also visit the help page for more information.
2. How do I start an immediate backup of my mobile device content?
To start an immediate backup of your mobile device content to your Memori cloud account, select the Back Up tab on the Memori mobile app home screen (Memori Premium function).
Tap Back up now or Back up this phone to begin your backup. Stop backup: Tap on the Stop button to stop the backup while in progress. Backup notifications: On Android devices: A notification appears on your mobile device while a backup is running. The notification displays the backup progress bar. You can also visit the help page for more information.
3. How do I set up automatic backups of my mobile device content?
Set a schedule for automatic backups of your mobile device (Memori Premium function).
- On Android devices: The daily, weekly or monthly scheduled backup is done automatically by the app.
- On iOS devices: A backup notification is sent when a scheduled backup is due, opening the notification will start running the backup in the app.
Tap Next backup on the Back up screen. The screen displays the date and time of your next mobile device backup. Alternatively, tap Backup schedule on the Settings screen. Edit the settings and then tap on the top < back arrow to save changes and to exit. You can also visit the help page for more information.
4. How do I restore backed up content to my mobile device?
Restore content from the Memori cloud to your mobile device, including Android and iOS device backups and social media account backups (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Select the Restore tab on the Memori mobile app. Tap Start restore now or Restore now to begin the restore process. You can also visit the help page for more information.
5. What are the available functions on the Backup screen in the mobile app?
The available options on the mobile app Back up screen are: Back up now to begin an immediate backup to your mobile device, Backup report to view the latest report, Next backup to view the next backup schedule and Chosen for backup to change the content type settings (Memori Premium function). You can also visit the help page for more information.
6. What are the available functions on the Restore screen in the mobile app?
The available options on the mobile app Restore screen are: Restore now to restore content from your Memori cloud account to your iOS and Android device, including phone backups and social media backups. SMS, Music & Docs (only appears on iOS devices) allows you to access any SMS, Music and docs that were restored to your iOS device and Restore report to view the last report (Memori Premium function). You can also visit the help page for more information.
7. What are the available functions on the My content screen in the mobile app?
The available options on the mobile app My content screen are: View all content to view and manage all your content sources, Android and iOS device backed up content, social media backed up content and linked cloud accounts’ content. Link social media to to view and share content from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to your Memori cloud account. Link other clouds to link Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Photos to your Memori account to view and share content using the web app (Memori Premium function). You can also visit the help page for more information.
8. What are the Memori mobile app user settings?
The available options on the Settings screen are: Content to back up to see and select the content types the mobile device backup. Backup schedule to see the next scheduled backup and to set automatic backup schedules and Enable instant uploads/Automatic camera upload to automatically upload new photos and videos in the background.Keep all backed up files to keep a copy of all backed up files, even if they are deleted from the local device. Back up when charging to only run a backup while the phone is connected to the power source and Back up over Wi-Fi to run a backup while the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network or to mobile data (Memori Premium function). You can also visit the help page for more information.
9. How do I back up my social media accounts using the mobile app?
Back up Facebook, Twitter or Instagram content to your Memori cloud account:
- Select the My content tab on the home screen.
Tap Back up social media to open the Back up social media screen.
- Tap Add next to an account name (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) and follow the prompts to log into it and start the backup.
- The √ checked icon indicates that the account is connected and backed up.
- Go to the Memori web app from My content > View all content to view and share the backed up social media content (Memori Premium function). You can also visit the help page for more information.
10. How do I link to social media accounts using the mobile app?
Link Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to your Memori cloud account to view and share content using the Memori web app.
- Select theMy content tab on the home screen.
- Tap Link social media to open the Link social media
- TapAdd next to the account name (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) and follow the prompts to log into it.
- The √ checked icon indicates that the account is linked.
Go to the Memori web app from My content > View all content to view and share the linked social media content (Memori Free function).
11. How do I link to other cloud accounts using the mobile app?
Link Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Photos to your Memori cloud account to view and share content using the Memori web app.
- Select the My content tab on the home screen.
Tap Link other clouds to open the Link other clouds screen.
- Tap Add next to the account name (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Photos) and follow the prompts to log into it.
- The √ checked icon indicates that the account is linked.
- Go to the Memori web app from My content > View all content to view and share the linked cloud accounts content. You can also visit the help page for more information.
Memori web app (Memori Unlimited Cloud)
1. How do I view my Memori cloud content?
The Memori web app (Memori Unlimited Cloud) opens your entire content collection in a web browser. Use the web app to view and share all your aggregated content sources including social media content and linked cloud accounts’ content.
How to open the Memori web app:
- On the Memori mobile app: Select the My content tab on the home screen and then tap
View all content to log into your cloud account automatically and to launch the web app.
- On mobile or desktop web browsers: Type into your mobile or desktop web browsers and sign in to open the Memori web app. If you are not a user, select I don’t have an account and follow the prompts to register a New Memori user account. Or, tap here to register a new user account.
- Scroll right or left to view all the content type tabs. Tap (click) on a tab to view your content sorted by content types: Photos, Videos, Documents, Music, Contacts, Events, SMS, MMS, CallLog and Posts. You can also visit the help page for more information.
2. How do I subscribe to Memori and create a new user account?
Subscribe to Memori and create a new user account by following these steps:
- Go to > Sign in > Select I don’t have an account and follow the prompts to register a New Memori user account.
- Memori free service: In the Subscription details screen, select Free and tap or click Continue to go to the Activate account screen.
- Memori Premium service:
- In the Subscription details screen, select Premium.
- Enter your credit card information and tap Purchase to go to the Activate account screen.The next step is to set up a monthly paid subscription. You can cancel your subscription any time, we’ll charge you monthly until you cancel your subscription.
- The Activate account screen prompts you to go to your email box and to find the Memori Unlimited Cloud – Account Confirmation email. Tap or click Activate account in the email.
- To cancel your payment subscription go to the Memory web app (Memori Unlimited Cloud) > Settings > Manage subscription > Cancel subscription.
You can also visit the help page for more information.
3. How can I cancel my payment subscription?
Cancel your Memori Premium payment subscription by following these steps:
- Go to (Memori Unlimited Cloud)> Sign in > Select Menu.
- Tap (click) Setting and select Manage subscription.
- Select the Cancel subscription tab.
- Check the I want to cancel my Memori Unlimited Cloud option in the Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription? checkbox.
Select one of the reasons why you are canceling your subscription.
Tap (click) on Cancel subscription.
Note: If you decide to cancel your payment subscription, your account will remain active until the end of that billing period, after which time your account will be cancelled. At the end of your billing cycle all your backed up media files will no longer be accessible and will be completely removed from the safe storage.
You can also visit the help page for more information.
4. How do I manage my Memori cloud content?
Launch the Memori web app where where you can access, view and manag your content all in a single web interface. The content sources allow you to manage the content from every source including your social networks account and linked cloud content.
- On the mobile app: Tap My content > View all content to open the web app.
On mobile or desktop web browsers: Type - The content source icons appear in the menu on a mobile web browser. They appear on the top left on a desktop web browser.
- Tap (click) on the
Android or on the
iOS connected content source button to view content source information, to hide or show the backed-up content or to delete the backup from the web app (Memori Free function).
- Social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram):
Tap (click) on the connected social media icon to view content source information, to hide or show the content, to refresh or to delete the content source from the web app.
- Cloud accounts (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Photos):
Tap (click) on the connected cloud account button to view content source information, to hide or show the linked content, to refresh the content and to unlink in order to remove the content source from the web app. You can also visit the help page for more information.
5. How do I back up my social media accounts using the web app?
Back up social media content from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to your Memori cloud to view and to manage the content that you are keeping in these clouds (Memori Free function):
- On the mobile app: Tap My content > View all content to open the web app.
On mobile or desktop web browsers: Type - Tap (click) on the Menu button on the top left and then tap (click) on the Add [+] button.
- Open the Back up social media option to see the list.
- Tap (click) on the Add button next to an account name (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) and follow the prompts to log into it and start the backup.
- The √ checked icon indicates that the account is connected and backed up. You can also visit the help page for more information.
6. How do I link to cloud accounts using the Memori web app?
Link cloud accounts to your Memori cloud account to view and share using the Memori web app. Cloud accounts include, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Photos.
- On the mobile app: Tap My content > View all content to open the web app.
On mobile or desktop web browsers: Type - Tap (click) on the Menu button on the top left and then tap (click) on the Add [+] button.
- Open the Link Cloud accounts option to see the list.
- Tap (click) on the Add button next to an account name (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Photos) and follow the prompts to log into it.
- The √ checked icon indicates that the account is linked. You can also visit the help page for more information.
7. How do I share my media using the Memori web app?
Share photos, videos, documents or music and post them on Facebook, Twitter, Email or share a link to the media:
- Tap My content >View all content on the mobile app or type into your mobile or desktop web browsers to open the Memori web app.
- Tap (click) the Photos, Videos, Documents or Music tab to view the files.
- Share: Select files(s), select Share and then select the app you want to use to share the media.
- Share with:
- Facebook:
- Tap (click) Share with Facebook, select Continue to Facebook, log in and follow the prompts to post on Facebook.
- Facebook post: The new Facebook post includes a link to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.
- Twitter:
- Tap (click) Tweet, tap (click) Continue to Twitter, log inand follow the prompts to tweet to Twitter.
- Tweet: The new tweet includes a link to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.
- Email:
- Tap (click) Email, add recipient and use coma to separate emails, add a message and then tap (click) Send email.
- Email: The new email message includes a link to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.
- Get sharable link:
- Tap (click) Get sharable link and then tap (click) Copy link to share it with anyone you want.
- Link: The link is directed to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.
- Go to Menu > Settings > Manage shared links: This option allows you to set an expiry date and password protect your shared links. You can also visit the help page for more information.
- Facebook:
8. How do I create and view collections using the Memori web app?
Use photo collections to arrange, manage and share your photos.
Create or add photo to collection:
- Tap My content >View all content on the mobile app or type into your mobile or desktop web browsers to open the Memori web app.
- Tap on the Photos tab and select the photo(s) you want for the collection.
- Tap Save to collection on the top bar, create a new collection or select one from the list to add the photo(s).
My collections:
- Tap My collections on the menu to open the Collections screen.
- The screen displays a list of all your photo collections.
- Rename collection: Tap (click) Menu, select Rename, type and new name and then tap Rename.
- Remove collection: Tap Menu ,select Remove and then OK to remove it.
- Share collection: Tap Menu ,select Share and then select the option you want to use to share the collection and follow the prompts.
- Tap on a collection to open and view the photos in it.
- Tap on a photo to view in full screen view.
- Remove photos: Select photo(s) and tap Remove from collection on the top bar. You can also visit the help page for more information.
9. How do I view my Memori subscription details?
Manage subscription allows you to view your subscription information and payment details, change your credit card information or cancel your paid subscription.
- Tap My content >View all content on the mobile app or type into your mobile or desktop web browsers to open the Memori web app.
- Tap (click) Menu, select Settings and then Manage subscription.
- Manage subscription: Tap (click) on the tab to view your Memori Free or Memori Premium payment plan and the next payment date.
- Credit card information: Tap (click) on the tab to view the current information or tap the Chang credit card information button to change your credit card information.
- Cancel subscription: Tap (click) on the tab to open it:
- Check the “I want to cancel my Memori Unlimited Cloud” option in Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?*.
- Select one of the reasons why you are canceling your subscription.
- Tap Cancel subscription.
Note: * By agreeing to cancel your Memori Unlimited Cloud subscription you are confirming that you are aware that by doing this, at the end of your billing cycle all your backed up media files will no longer be accessible and will be completely removed from the safe storage.
Memori mobile app | Memori web app |
See also:
- Mobile App Setup
- New Memori user account
- Memori Mobile app (Memori World)
- Memori Web app (Memori Unlimited Cloud)
- Help Menu