Share photos, videos, documents or post them on Facebook, Twitter, Email or share a link to the media.

  1. Tap (click) the Photos, Videos, Documents or posts tab to view the files.
  2. share Share: Select files(s), select Share and then select the app you want to use to share the media.
  3. Share with:
    • Facebook: 
      1. Tap (click) Share with Facebook, select Continue to Facebook, log in and follow the prompts to post on Facebook.
      2. Facebook post: The new Facebook post includes a link to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.
    • Twitter:
      1. Tap (click) Tweet, tap (click) Continue to Twitter, log in and follow the prompts to tweet to Twitter.
      2. Tweet: The new tweet includes a link to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.
    • Email:
      1. Tap (click) Email, add recipient and use coma to separate emails, add a message and then tap (click) Send email.
      2. Email: The new email message includes a link to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.
    • Get sharable link:
      1. Tap (click) Get sharable link and then tap (click) Copy link to share it with anyone you want.
      2. Link: The link is directed to view shared Photos/Videos/Documents/Music on the Memori web app.

Memori web app – Shared photos/Videos/Documents/Music

  1. Photos: Zoom in or zoom out: Use the + (plus) button to zoom in or use the – (Minus) button to zoom out of the photo.
  2. Videos: Use the bottom video player controls to Play/Pause the video, adjust volume, mute sound and play full screen.
  3. Documents: Tap (click) Preview to open and read it in the preview mode.
  4. Music: Tap (click) the Play button to play the music file. Tap (click) the Pause button to pause playing it.
  5. Download: Tap (click) the Download button on the top bar to download to your mobile device or computer.
  6. Next and previous: Tap (click) the Next and Previous buttons to go the next and previous media in the list.

See also: